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Chip off the Block Bakery

Our Cookie Recipe

The family recipe at the heart of our cookies harkens back to the 1940s. Following the invention of the original chocolate chip cookie by Ruth Wakefield in 1939, it was quickly popularized and adopted in households across North America. Since then, our recipe has been passed down through 3 generations. 


Many wonderful get-togethers with friends and family have been warmed by their delicious homemade flavours. Using the finest and most sustainable ingredients we can source, the classic recipe has been paired with premium quality to provide the ultimate cookie experience. I hope they bring you joy!


Justin Levangie, Cookiemaker

Our Mission

"If you can't change the world with chocolate chip cookies, how can you change the world?"

-  Pat Murphy  -

One of the best ways to make a positive impact in the world is to bring life to your ethics and ideals. We believe in sustainability, fair deals for all, and thoughtful consideration. Our mission is to ensure those ideals are represented in the cookies we share with you. It is a continual process of evaluation and renewal, a journey that never ends. Welcome aboard friends!


Our Goods

"In the cookie of life, friends are the chocolate chips."

-  Salman Rushdie  -

In order to be true to our mission, we began with ensuring the ingredients we use are the best we can afford that are made as close to home as possible. We investigate the provenance of our supplies where we can, and like our mission, it is a continual process of evaluation and re-evaluation. If you can assist us in our desire to be local, sustainable, and fair, please reach out via our contact info.



Please share any comments or suggestions you have. We love to hear from you all! You can use the Contact Us button below, the email above or message us through social media. Thank you!

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